Click on sound control bar to restart sound bite of SFD™






The SFD™ is a simple device used to decend fish with bloated air bladder back down greater than 30 feet to allow the water pressure to recompress fish's air-bladder. For all species including rockfish, walleye, black bass, lake trout, groupers and all species that suffer barotrauma













Bill Shelton with rockfish attached to SFD™





























Rock fish that has minor barotrauma







Insert SFD™ through lower lip as shown above.







SFDing 3 rock fish at a time.







Inserting SFD in lower lip. (Lower lip only)







Inserting SFD in lower lip. (Thin soft membrane only)







Bill Shelton shown preparing to SFD the above rockfish.







Lower rockfish into water if possible.





Drop weight away from rockfish (to prevents tangles)



This pulls the rockfish down for recompression of the air bladder.



Lower to the desired depth and quickly snap line upwards to release rockfish from SFD™


How to web page of hooking SFD™ and lowering fish into the water for descent.
Hooking fish to SFD™



SFD™ pictures.


SFD™ Pictures





Patent Pending plus protected under other patents





The below movies requires QuickTime by Apple to view.

You only need the basic free version, you don't need the Pro Quicktime to view these videos.

For a free copy of QuickTime for PC or Mac QuickTime for PC or Mac


SFD™------Recompressing rock fish with a SFD™ (Shelton Fish Decender™)

On this day angler Bill Gygax saved a rockfish from barotrauma with a SFD™ The setup was an in-line SFD™with standard

rock fishing gear by recompressing the rock fish air bladder and re-oxygenating with a SFD™ SFD™ in Action

More detailed movies below on saving fish suffering barotrauma below.

Full color underwater video of the release after fish's air bladder is recompressed. SFD™ in full color

More underwater video of the release after fish's air bladder is recompressed. More underwater shots

Three minute nonstop clip of catching and SFDing 4 rockfish with a SFD™ SFD™ Red Hot Action

More underwater video of the release after fish's air bladder is recompressed. SFD™ underwater movie

Recompressing rock fish by angler using his existing rock fishing weight with the SFD™ mounted

in line. This is one method that would be used on party and sports boats to recompress fish. SFD™ angler movie

Listen to a sound bite of recompressing rock fish with a SFD™ (Same as above) SFD™ sound bite

Ling attacking a group of rockfish Ling Attack



Tutorial of recompressing rock fish with a SFD™

The following pages are PDF files requiring Adobe Reader or similar to read these files. For a free copy of Adobe Reader go to Adobe Reader

Down load the 5 pages of the PDF files.

SFD™ page one PDF

SFD™ page two PDF

SFD™ page three PDF

SFD™ page four PDF

SFD™ page five PDF



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This page created by Bill Shelton